Q: Gameguard Error
 2021-03-31 08:32:49   [GM]Matte

Thank you for supporting ROW

We have received some of the reports about the gameguard error.

However, our operation team is not in charge of gameguard.

If it is our client or file related we can solve problem, but if it is gameguard issue you check your problem through gameguard website. 


Please check the link above:

Thank you 
Best Regard/ ROW Team

  junhryd992025-01-07 04:21:42
운영팀 너희는 운영 지랄같이한다
이벤트하면 머하나 이벤트해서 올린 명성치가
섭다후 다날라갓다 어이가없다 이럴거면 이벤트 왜하냐
  junhryd992025-01-08 02:03:58