GM this is dumb move for make sw 1.1
 2023-07-11 16:20:56   PabloJunior
im really fking sick of it now just login spamming go back farming wtf is this balance for sw this is really bullshit just wasting of time its not 1 2   times its everytime even tho im prepare fking 20 min early + spaming already 70% of my time gone there for what i have to do that all the time ? wwhy not you do this update when you start then server for balance?

  FairPlay2023-07-11 17:05:20
relax green leaf
  PaekLargeAss2023-07-12 01:09:09
Wtf you still farming in this dog shit server ?
  Rico293949672023-07-12 15:06:51

haha, this guy sounds like me ~~