where gm
 2020-01-12 00:12:57   shadow123

Hello everyone....I am making this post because I see that this server is getting increasingly empty !!!!GM you said that there would be a GM to be supervising the WAR and to be helping the people to clear doubts ... that is to have an online GM in the game to be watching everything that is happening with the game .... but none of this is happening, whenever we need GM it is never online within the game ....It is no use telling me that if someone looks for GM it will be by email or discord, then why did you say that there would be a GM to be together in the WAR to be looking at how the game is going and when we need gm is never online!The game is not just about making money, it has to pay attention !!at least do what you promise !!I just want this game to improve because this way this server will die if you haven't noticed !!! thank you all by, <MK>-PaiN-

  [GM]Matte2020-01-13 15:50:50
Hello, we do our best to check our server and game.
However, we can not be in the game all the time. That's why we ask people to send an email or leave msg through facebook or Discord for the fast answer.
We do not show our self during the war time. Users might confuse with enemy, and when we show our self or talk. Abuser will pretend they are innocent and we wont be able to get evidence.
We will do our best to make the server better.
  shadow1232020-01-13 18:16:03
ok gm thanks for u attention .. i only want server more good
  [GM]Matte2020-01-14 07:48:48
No problem, fast way to get basic answer is through discord
detailed answer to technical help suppose to send email to admin.