what a great event!!
 2020-03-28 15:41:15   DOKEBI
i have never seen cool~ like this event

what a great 3 years anny event!!!

many many brilliant gm's idea  we can found,

great idea . gm 

ty !!!

and next year

we dont want 4year event~

take a rest .

  demooooo2020-03-29 09:10:45
Why dont u take a break from being useless and go do something other than write no sense on this forum?
  demooooo2020-03-29 09:11:07
take a rest bro, we dont need u
  GGG12342020-03-29 11:55:54
this event well. hey noobs @@ u want free GB , 1b?
  [GM]Matte2020-03-30 07:53:43
Suggest GM the brilliant Event idea.